कॉफी का सेवन क्यों करना चाहिए ...SG Information


Buy Coffee 👉 https://amzn.to/42nPvd5

🌱 Coffee is a popular beverage consumed worldwide. 
🌱 It contains caffeine a stimulant that can increase alertness and improve focus. 
However, excessive intake can lead to negative effects such as restlessness, increased heart rate, and insomnia. 
🌱 It's generally recommended to limit coffee intake to moderate levels, around 3-4 cups (300-400 mg of caffeine) per day for most adults. 
Factors like individual sensitivity health conditions, and medications should be considered. 
🌱 It's important to stay hydrated and listen to your body's signals to avoid dependency or adverse effects. 
🌱 Moderation and balance are key when it comes to enjoying coffee.

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